Feleeseeya is what songwriter Felicia goes by online and she is crafting original songs as well as covering folk-music covers both well & lesser-known.
Within moments of immersing into her Livestream, you are transported to the wave-weathered rocks of a rugged, distant shore where twilight ebbs in quietly as the last of the songbirds quiet and the wood fire crackles where the forest darkly begins.
Her song list ranges from Arcade Fire to Simon & Garfunkel to Cranberries to Imagine Dragons and Fleetwood Mac. Within the serene setting of her streaming studio, those songs all inhabit the same comfortable fabric keeping you cozy and warm.
Sampling from her previously recorded streams only hints at the magic from tuning in live.
Felicia streams Tuesday, Friday and Sunday but please confirm at her Channel Schedule for updates and coordinating with your time zone.